• What does an ABA program entail?

    What does an ABA program entail?
    ABA therapy programs are not designed as a “one size fits all”. Each learners program is overseen by a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA). The BCBA will begin by conducting a detailed assessment to identify specific treatment goals based on the age and ability level of the learner. The behavior plan will then break down each desired skill into short term goals (e.g., imitating...
  • How to become a Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst (BCaBA)

    How to become a Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst (BCaBA)
    Pathway 2 For those Applying after January 1, 2022 If you are a young student considering your future, or a seasoned professional looking for a rewarding career, the field of applied behavior analysis may be for you. If you are considering becoming an assistant behavior analyst, having a passion for children of different developmental disabilities is an important trait to have in order to...
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